The Curious Kelsey
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Week 3 of 52
"I feel it in my bones"
Imagine Dragons
This week took a toll on me. I've been eating gluten and dairy free since the start of the year. Good lord has it been difficult. I can live without most gluten, besides tortillas.. they are definitely my weakness. But dairy has been extremely hard. I didn't realize how much dairy was in my diet until I cut it out. I found out that I have hypothyroidism. So detoxing my body has definitely been necessary for balancing my hormones. With some extra supplements and eating mostly meat and veggies.. I feel magical. No joke its amazing how much your food effects everything. It is a bit difficult with seeing my friends eat delicious pizza, and cookies.... oh god and ice cream. BUT! none the less I've found little ways to make me happy some dairy-free, gluten-free fro-yo. For those of you who live in Flagstaff and don't know about BTO please educate yourself it truly is wonderful. I make myself lots of sauteed veggies and salads, I don't know they taste better than they used to. But aside from having more energy and stuff the stress from work, family and friends made this week a bit difficult to maintain my diet. I didn't cheat aside from about a quarter of an onion ring ;).
One of my greatest friends Matt passed away.. I've been really torn up about it. I've never really had someone close to me pass away. Distant family, but no one I had vivid memories and emotional attachment to. I went to the funeral with some good friends and it was extremely intense. I think everyone got the closure they needed. We celebrated his life and how wonderful of a person he was. I've learned how valuable time is, the time spent with people I love.
Matt showed people how to be humble, kindhearted and selfless. I'll never forget him and the amazing memories we shared.
Things are going to look up
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Week 2 of 52
Does school have to start?
Haha I love my little family.
I enrolled in classes this semester, studying business online! Only part-time because I'm working full time but I feel good about it. The year break I took was definitely necessary. I'm actually somewhat excited for it to start while Kyden is soooo stressed already! It'll be good, I just know it, we only have about 2 years left. Before school starts we are going to enjoy the hell out of our weekend with lots and lots of laziness and snuggles!
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Week 1 of 52
I lost a lot of friends, some good, some that just weighed me down. I felt really unhealthy.. and overall gross. My self esteem plummeted, I was unsure of what I wanted, really I was just tired of people. I learned a lot from last year, always good in the bad situations after all... Right? The main thing I learned was I can't be a victim. I can't play that card. If I let people walk all over me because I'm too nice to say no, then its my fault. I can't complain about things if I'm not going to go out of my way to fix them. Towards the end of last year I made the effort to fix things and relationships that were damaged. Some horribly my fault others just happened. But nonetheless I tried. You can really only try so much before its unhealthy. The stress and anxiety of a situation will eat at you. Lets be honest I really don't want to live like that. Who does? Some people like to bask in that state of self pity and enjoy the attention.. even if its not a good kind of attention. I'll admit I've done it, its easier to just stay like that and rant about how things suck. The real step is getting out of that rut and fixing things even if they are out of your hands. Well that's all I have for 2013 haha.. I honestly just gave up on everything I attempted to do. I couldn't finish anything I started. I couldn't maintain anything in my life. But this year is going to be different..
My main goal for this year was to be happy with myself, and be a good person. Everything else was somewhat linked to it.. be more crafty, eat healthier, be a good wife, read more.. blah blah. Some usual generic goals I guess. But I know I can maintain it. Finding myself and goals will be quite the adventure but I'm so ready for it.
So here you will find my weekly thoughts and of course a picture with it because well.. Photography is one of my favorite passions.
Thanks for reading :)
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Olivia and Jason's Wedding
These two have been my and kydens friends for over a year now.. And we love them to death, there big day finally happened so I will let the pictures show how fantastic this ceremony was ;)
Friday, October 5, 2012
Week - Oh wait.. Uh.. Fall tiime :)
It's really bizarre to write a blog not involving weeks of summer!
This time of year is always fantastic, I really do adore the monsoon season transforming into fall. From the smell of rain to admiring the fall trees, it really is perfect.
I know you are dying to hear my school drama so here it tis.
I was enrolled in two photo classes for this semester, I debated if I wanted to even pursue this degree at NAU since the progress plan and class format isn't really want I'm looking for in a photo degree. I ended up deciding to take two photo classes just to see how they felt and if I wanted to pay money to get this degree at NAU. Later, when we were taking care of FAFSA and loans, I found that when going part time at NAU your wallet gets rizaped.. They wanted me to take a thousand dollar loan just to cover my classes. I wondered if it was worth getting a thousand dollars in debt just for closure on something I was really half ass on anyways. No. I dropped them. I was really upset at first because I had so many people pestering me.. telling me "Kelsey you are so young you need to be in school" "You have so much potential" "You should really get your degree"
I got over the stupid ridicule and took a new perspective,
I'm 18, I have a god damn associate degree well over 90 college credits. I'm a successful photographer and get paid for my work without the degree, and will continue to grow as a photographer with or without it.
Will I get a bachelors degree? I don't know probably, but I have plenty of time to figure out what, how and when I want to get it.
My husbands degree to me is more priority than a photography degree so if I have to work full time for a bit to get him through college then I will gladly do it, Compromise my friends..
End of drama
OH so I've been trying to get back into random object cute photographer kelsey mode.. its a work in progress.. not being in payson living with my parents.. having more free time.. It just yeah.. no motivation but here is a little peek into that
This time of year is always fantastic, I really do adore the monsoon season transforming into fall. From the smell of rain to admiring the fall trees, it really is perfect.
I know you are dying to hear my school drama so here it tis.
I was enrolled in two photo classes for this semester, I debated if I wanted to even pursue this degree at NAU since the progress plan and class format isn't really want I'm looking for in a photo degree. I ended up deciding to take two photo classes just to see how they felt and if I wanted to pay money to get this degree at NAU. Later, when we were taking care of FAFSA and loans, I found that when going part time at NAU your wallet gets rizaped.. They wanted me to take a thousand dollar loan just to cover my classes. I wondered if it was worth getting a thousand dollars in debt just for closure on something I was really half ass on anyways. No. I dropped them. I was really upset at first because I had so many people pestering me.. telling me "Kelsey you are so young you need to be in school" "You have so much potential" "You should really get your degree"
I got over the stupid ridicule and took a new perspective,
I'm 18, I have a god damn associate degree well over 90 college credits. I'm a successful photographer and get paid for my work without the degree, and will continue to grow as a photographer with or without it.
Will I get a bachelors degree? I don't know probably, but I have plenty of time to figure out what, how and when I want to get it.
My husbands degree to me is more priority than a photography degree so if I have to work full time for a bit to get him through college then I will gladly do it, Compromise my friends..
End of drama
OH so I've been trying to get back into random object cute photographer kelsey mode.. its a work in progress.. not being in payson living with my parents.. having more free time.. It just yeah.. no motivation but here is a little peek into that
Good bye for now =3
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Week 15 of 15
Wow summer has come to an end.. way too fast..
I'm lame because I didn't take ANY pictures this week.. last week of summer you tend to just overplan..
But needless to say I'm really happy with my summer.
I'm blessed for all of the friends I got to spend it with and make wonderful memories.
I'm lame because I didn't take ANY pictures this week.. last week of summer you tend to just overplan..
But needless to say I'm really happy with my summer.
I'm blessed for all of the friends I got to spend it with and make wonderful memories.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Week 14 of 15
This week we celebrated Kyden's 22nd birthday with a mini lan party (Which i didnt get pics of :<)
But it was epic, pretty much played zombies and ate delicious cheesecake!Then later in the week we all made some cookies and hung out :) Twas fun

Then near the end of the week I went on a spontaneous photoshoot with Andy and Olivia and got some pretty epic shots
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